Reflecting on a “buzzy” month!
It’s hard to believe where the last month has gone! I can’t believe it’s been over a month that I was at the National Honey Show at Sandown Park, London and what a busy few days it was!
Adjusting to the English COVID rules and mixing with people again took some getting used to!
I was very fortunate to have the assistance of Shane Jones from Bee Welsh Honey for the duration of the National Honey Show.
Image from the National Honey Show
The National Honey Show opened at 12.00 noon on the Thursday and by 4.00 pm we had sold all the stock! A quick phone call home to Jonathan to fill the truck with as much feed as he could and meet us half way! Jonathan very rarely leaves Wales other than to go to a Sheep Sale in Hereford Market!!
I was delighted to have met so many customers, some new and some loyal customers who had continued to purchase from us since taking over Wyefield Apiaries in April. It was great to have some sort of normality and see people socialising and meeting up for the first time since possibly the last National Honey Show in 2019.
We had a very successful National Honey Show for our first year of trading and have already booked for next year – 27 th to 29 th October 2022 at Sandown Park.
More recently I was pleased to read that three Welsh Honey Producers have attended the BBC Good Food Show at the NEC, Birmingham representing Welsh Honey Producers under the auspices of the Food & Drink Wales Honey Cluster. I hope it was a great success for them.
We have recently had a few challenges with deliveries, and I would like to thank our customers for their understanding of the situation. All being well our delivery will be here this week!
Locally, its great to see the Royal Welsh Winter Fair go ahead this week. As one of the finest prime stock shows in Europe, it draws crowds from far and wide to enjoy competitions, festivities and Christmas shopping. And on that note I think I had better start my Christmas shopping!
A big thank you from the mid Wales bee feed family!